Tattoo appointment Terms and Conditions

Please find detailed below, the terms and conditions of your tattoo*. In booking and paying a deposit** you agree to the following;

The deposit confirms your commitment to the appointment. The deposit is non-refundable or transferable.

The deposit is to safeguard against artist's time spent conversing (email/phone/in person/social media), designing/drawing and costs incurred through non or late arrival.

The deposit is valid for 6 months from the date it was paid. A booking must be made within this period of time or the deposit will be lost. The appointment may be outside if this timescale but the date must be confirmed.

As such the deposit will be lost if;

- The client cancels the appointment with less than 3 working days notice (Tuesday - Saturday), or 72 hours.

- The client changes the brief or provides alternate information with less than 72 hours (3 working days as above) notice

- The client fails to attend a scheduled appointment (no show)

- an appointment is not confirmed/booked within 6 months of the deposit being paid

- if the appointment is rescheduled multiple times (regardless of notice provided) to cover the additional associated administrative costs incurred by the artist. The number of times is determined at the artist’s discretion on a case by case basis

If the client is required to reschedule the deposit will be transferred to the revised date, at no charge or loss if advised within 72 hours (3 working days) of the appointment.

the deposit is only valid for 6 months. If an appointment is not confirmed and a date booked within this period of time the deposit will expire.

Deposits work on a 'rolling' basis. When multiple sessions are required the deposit rolls to the next session, coming off the last. This removes the need to pay multiple deposits and makes the booking of multiple sessions more effective.

The artists owns the artwork, the client owns the tattoo. The artist is not required to provide designs in the event of a cancellation. The deposit is not a payment for a design but the whole process. If a client cancels/fails to attend and does not reschedule/advise accordingly the design may be made available for other clients to choose. This is in addition to potential loss of any deposit as outlined above.

Designs will be drawn for the scheduled appointment date. Where possible/appropriate designs will be provided in advance. This may only be in first draft form (sketch).

Where a design has not been provided in advance, time will be scheduled into the appointment itself for minor changes and amendments on the day, as required.

Your artist will request all the relevant information required for the design process when making your booking. This may include photos, reference images and/or other media. The artist will always request the appropriate information they require and It is the clients responsibility to ensure the correct information is provided.

It is the clients responsibility to research the artist. Portfolios of work and designs are available on this website, Facebook and instagram. They can also be provided on request if the client cannot find specific examples. The styled each artists work is outlined within these portfolios.

*the term ‘tattoo' refers to the whole process. Consultations, communications, design and tattooing processes, and any other work required by the artist.

**the deposit value varies dependent on each tattoo. The artist will advise at the point of booking.